
ALCHEME Spring Water Newsletter Offer


Alchemical Spring Water concentrate with Ignis Potio and Dracaena Draco resin.

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Spring Water


Red Lion bring you ALCHEME Spring Water.

There is nothing like this Magical water on the planet.

This Water brings joy. Many will notice it’s amazing effects on the first bottle, more will notice by the second bottle and by the third bottle- everyone will notice just how good they feel.

It is not addictive per-se, but with this sense of well-being, one will wish to keep drinking it and buying more.


One gets a feeling of joy, happiness, smiling and laughing to oneself. A sense of calmness but wanting to work and play.

It gives strength, confidence and fortitude. Removes boredom. If one is feeling low or depressed, this water gives n initial ‘kick’ and then a wonderful happy feeling throughout the day.

Sleep is dramatically improved because it aids in mindfulness. It deletes negativity from the past- literally deleting memories until there is no negative emotion connecting you with the past.


One buys the concentrate and adds it to distilled water.

Bottled water cannot be used because it contains salts which destroy the Alchemical nature of the product.

The Water should not be boiled or used for coffee.

Rain water can be used as long as it is boiled and flowed through an activated carbon filter. Rain water should be collected with a large clean sheet of plastic.

Alternatively, one can purchase a water distiller for under $100.

Business Opportunity

Alcheme Spring Water can be purchased for personal use or you can sell it wholesale.

We recommend a price point of $9 from you to the retailer and the retailer is recommended to sell for $11.

Red Lion can provide the artwork for your bottle. We send a copy of the above artwork to you, this is taken to a printer, bottles are labeled and you are in business!